Terry Beatley
Partner Terry Beatley unveils the abortion industry, its beginnings and the lies deeply seeded in our culture and among Christians. A divinely orchestrated interview with the former “Abortion King” Dr. Bernard Nathanson has spurred her on to courageously share truth with the churches and the masses to see God’s promise to heal our land come to fruition. Terry Beatley’s bio.
Caroline Mendez, Pinnacle Forum’s Director of Women’s Forums co-hosts the discussion.
A little about Terry Beatley:
President, Pure Air Technology USA
President, Hosea Initiative
Lancaster, Virginia, United States
Terry Beatley is the author of What If We’ve Been Wrong? Keeping my promise to America’s “Abortion King.” In a rare interview in 2009, Terry accepted the pro-life mantle of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, cofounder of NARAL. She promised to arm Americans with the truth of how he deceived America with the lie that abortion is healthcare. Terry is president of Hosea Initiative, a 501(c)(3) educational organization, focused on changing hearts and minds about abortion by bringing this healing truth. She also consults political candidates on how “life” is the winning issue through Broaden the Base Communications, LLC.