CEO Essentials in Education; Managing Director, PEI Funds; Yale; Columbia Univ. School of Business; LLD Concordia Univ., Portland; U.S. Navy; Nat’l Speaker on education; FOX News CBS Sunday Morning and The TODAY Show. Numerous Associate Press articles, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek and TIME Magazine.
Chuck Stetson changes things. It’s how he’s wired. He brings a venture capitalist approach for all he does. His bold project to bring the Bible into the public schools as required curriculum landed him on the cover of TIME magazine (April 2007), and is now in 580 schools in 43 states, poised to go global, which is where he believes God wants it. “Working with Richard Scurry, a Pinnacle Partner, Steve Fedyski and some of the Pinnacle Partners in Arizona, Bible Literacy Project is focused on expanding in the U.S. and internationally with the global digital platform that it is building for its textbook.”
Chuck joined Pinnacle Forum years ago when it was a weekly, 30-minute, Bible Study, 30-minute Group Forum, national conference call with Darryl DelHousaye.
“I got to know many of the wonderful Partners around the country. The Bible Studies with Darryl were thought provoking and interesting. More recently, I have gotten to know Steve Fedyski, Chuck Bryant and Merrill Oster much better and come to appreciate their insights into peer to peer weekly meetings and what it can do for making better decisions in one’s business and in the community.”
He hit a twenty year wall when God shut a lot of doors. That’s when God got his attention. He gave his life to Christ. He started saying, “Yes, Lord” and submitted to Him, though admittedly, he didn’t always agree.
The Lord’s taken Chuck Stetson places he couldn’t have gone on his own, opened doors that he says, ‘shouldn’t have opened’, putting him in places like the West Wing of the White House with Chuck Colson, head of Prison Fellowship at the time and the President of the United States, discussing jaw-dropping recidivism rates after a monthly Bible Study to prisoners. Or the meeting in the Oval Office with the Pope, discussing marriage in America, one of Chuck’s ‘projects’ which exploded into an international ’Let’s Strengthen Marriage’ event reaching over 20 countries.
Chuck quotes Jeremiah 29:7 where God directed His people to:
“…seek the Shalom (the wholeness) of the city, if the city flourishes… you will flourish.”
“Pinnacle Forum is different. It’s actually doing the will of God by engaging the communities in the seven mountains. Our local chapter of Pinnacle Forum New York is engaged in supporting the election of ten pastors for City Council. This is the type of thing that we need to do.
“It’s thrilling that Pinnacle Forum, along with Focus on the Family, The Colson Center and Let’s Strengthen Marriage are working on a major effort to celebrate marriage and family during National Marriage Week USA with an eventual goal of reaching the top 100 cities in America.
“We have a God of the impossible. When we are doing God’s will, amazing things can happen. Pinnacle Forum Partners are like the shining city on the hill.”