George Kawasaki, Managing Director Ronald Blue & Co, (one of the largest independent fee-only RIA firms in the U.S. providing financial counsel based on Biblical principles), Chicago, IL; CPA; Financial Planner & Investment Advisor; Former Sr. Auditor Deloitte & Touche; Former Sr. Manager Kraft Foods; MBA, Northwestern Univ J.L. Kellogg School of Management; Univ IL, BS Acctng, Cum Laude Graduate; Community leader. He lives in Northbrook, IL with his lovely wife of 28 years, Jane and has 3 children; Stephen, 23, Jill, 21, and Emma, 15.
George Kawasaki is passionate about people being drawn to Christ. As of July 1, he became the interim Chairman of Pinnacle Forum’s Chicago Board. Positioned for service, this humble man shared some of his passions; the poor, family, and an evangelism program called ALPHA, something he and his wife lead in their church, through which he personally saw siblings come to Christ this past spring.
Excited to be involved in their conversion and transformation, he compares it to Pinnacle Forum:
“Pinnacle Forum really aligns with ALPHA, but on a much broader spectrum.”
“God did not design man to be alone. He wanted us to be in fellowship with Him constantly; He gave us the capacity to relate to other human beings and to be in relationship with them. Pinnacle Forum is a natural extension of that; and that very specifically means to me, having others being exposed to the gospel or coming to know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.”
He sees the power in using our cultural and social networks to bring about change; concerned for his children and grandchildren, having seen things change so quickly in his lifetime.
Pinnacle Forum’s network of believers and Spiritual Director, John Bell and Bell’s studies, impacted Kawasaki.
“Meeting so many interesting new people- and we’ve got some terrific Partners here- that are doing amazing things and just being able to associate with them, it’s a privilege. And we’re just getting started. I’m contemplating how I can help further our mission statement here in Chicago, that’s why I agreed to be the interim Chairman.”
National Board members, especially Merrill Oster, and Mike Regan, (former Nat’l Board) have been very supportive and generous regarding their initiative.
“Lending their support has been very, very crucial and quite inspiring.”
Shortly after starting Pinnacle Forum Chicago in 2010, they started a board, recruited some leaders and launched Greater Chicago National Christian Foundation, whose purpose is to promote generosity in individuals and corporations,
A heart for the poor and the less fortunate, George and his wife support an orphanage in Haiti, a place they both visit.
Mr. Kawasaki’s favorite attribute of God?
“His love, His grace and His immeasurable patience with us. I experience that daily.”