Rick Klopcic, President of Fireside Dinner Theater in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, one of the most popular attractions in the Midwest; Former Pinnacle Forum National Board Member; Former Member YPO, Current Member WPO; Various church boards; 2006 Grand Prize Winner of the prestigious Jones Dairy Farm ‘America’s Best Restaurant Families’ Award. Rick has been married to his beautiful business Partner Jane for 41 years. They have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
A pyramid sits in the middle of an 11 acre corn field, with a fluorescent glass band around its base. It’s not a spaceship, but a vehicle for God, thanks to Rick Klopcic and his family who have turned their little, supper club business into a full-blown, 1000 seat dinner theater with 5 gift shops and 2 acres under one roof, known as the ‘Fireside Theater.’ A destination spot across 15 states and even Canada, it’s in the middle of nowhere- the closest city- Milwaukee- 45 minutes away. Rick’s parents dedicated it to God after their conversion in 1976 and it has become home to a family of entertainers, singers, song writers and servers. Fireside hosts professional live theater presentations, Christian productions and concerts. Pat Boone celebrated his 50th birthday there. This third-generation family business will celebrate their 50th anniversary next spring.
Rick heard about Pinnacle Forum at an YPO (Young Presidents Organization) Conference in Banff, Canada, through Roger Roberson (Pinnacle Forum National Board member). As Ken Blanchard (Former National Advisory Board member) and Dr. Henry Blackaby (upcoming National Conference Keynote Speaker) spoke about Jesus, he began to cry.
“Something just hit me. It was like I had been doing all these things, Christian concerts, different things, and different boards of the church. I thought I was a good Christian.
“It was almost like God telling me, “Rick, you know I have more in store for you; you can be more aggressive.”
“The next year I went to the conference down in Florida and I met Richard Scurry who had started the Bible Literacy Project with Chuck Stetson (also YPO’ers). Then Mike Regan from Chicago asked me if I ever heard of Pinnacle Forum.”
After dialing in to a TeleConference and listening he was hooked. He went to a conference and Merrill Oster (Pinnacle Forum National Board member) asked him to be on the National Board. Creating a Chapter in Wisconsin, getting introduced to other Christian businessmen and presidents of companies, Rick became bold for Christ.
“I started praying with our associates- we had 350 at that time; or with people in the middle of our dining room who had heard I was a Christian , for their daughter or son, or a mother who had cancer…and there I was with 500 people, with my arms around them or holding hands praying for them. Or I’d give my testimony somewhere – things I never would’ve done out in the open. It’s like a total change.”
‘Fireside Theater’ feeds their crowds with delicious foods prepared from scratch, but their real mission is to feed people’s souls through arts and entertainment. And more importantly, love.
“Pinnacle Forum helps you to find your passion and allows you to Partner with others that have the same kind of passion so you can do more for the Lord collectively.”