Using Our God-Given Authority
Richard Ford was a successful real estate broker in the Dallas area who became interested in politics forty-five years ago.
Richard Ford was a successful real estate broker in the Dallas area who became interested in politics forty-five years ago.
Sonya Morgan has been in the real estate business for more than 20 years, many of those at the head of her own private lending company. She’s a natural born sales woman and leader. “I sold everything I could sell growing up,” she says. “Business is in my blood…
Dr. Ben Merkle is the second president of New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. He holds a plethora of degrees and has a wealth of experience in academia. He has also served as a minister at Christ Church in Moscow. As Ben puts it…
There is nothing more certain in this world than the fact that people will suffer and experience disaster. The question is why? The book of Job is an epic poem…
Dr. Johnny Parker is an executive coach and “relationship architect.” He is an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University and has conducted personal and professional development seminars for more than 25 years. Along the way he’s served as life coach…
The two things you are never to discuss in polite company are politics and religion. Debbie Wuthnow is up to her eyebrows in both. In a country where politics can be so divisive and many Christian leaders take very public stands on candidates and issues, how does she keep her balance?
Usually political radio hosts just talk about Congress. Veteran broadcaster J.D. Hayworth has also talked in Congress. For 12 years. Elected to the House of Representatives from Arizona’s 6th congressional district at the age of 36, J.D. was the first…
Ben Ungerman has an impressive military CV. Born and raised in a military family, he joined the Air Force after college. In his 25-year career he went on to earn Masters degrees from the National War College, Oklahoma University.
Eric Bents is a retired United State Air Force colonel who served in a wide variety of combat and non-combat roles, including deployments to Bosnia and Afghanistan.
Dr. Lisa Strohman is a psychologist, attorney, author, and national speaker. She holds a PhD and J.D. from an integrated program in law and psychology at Villanova and Drexel Universities.