Entrepreneur to Educator
This sums up the humble way in which Dwight Olson lives a life of genuine servant-leadership. What’s more, so much of how he has served and led has been behind the scenes…
This sums up the humble way in which Dwight Olson lives a life of genuine servant-leadership. What’s more, so much of how he has served and led has been behind the scenes…
This sums up the humble way in which Dwight Olson lives a life of genuine servant-leadership. What’s more, so much of how he has served and led has been behind the scenes…
“We’re in this for the next Great Awakening. At ACU we want to prepare Christian students to go into every sphere of influence in our culture.”
– Len Munsil
“The highest common denominator in Christianity is the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” says Mike Mobley. “We are rapidly approaching the 2000thanniversary of these events and this has captured my imagination.”
“We sat around and chatted informally,” Jeff recalls, “and I realized we all shared the same challenges even though we were in different businesses. This was a group of professionals with lots in common.
Doug Hunter has been CEO of: FCCI – Fellowship of Companies for Christ International, BPI – Business Partners International, WCCL – Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership.
A gentle soul, Partner Terrilyn Miller gets real with us about challenges she has faced in life. Along the way her faith and trust in God grew wildly dim, but her faith was restored to an overflowing joy and desire to answer His call a day at a time.
A gentle soul, Partner Terrilyn Miller gets real with us about challenges she has faced in life. Along the way her faith and trust in God grew wildly dim, but her faith was restored to an overflowing joy and desire to answer His call a day at a time.
I have two values that drove me to start the Kesher Forum (https://justinkron.com/kesherforum/). The first is that Jewish people deeply matter to Jesus.
A gentle soul, Partner Terrilyn Miller gets real with us about challenges she has faced in life. Along the way her faith and trust in God grew wildly dim, but her faith was restored to an overflowing joy and desire to answer His call a day at a time.